2024 Relocation Index

a man holding a box with the title 2024 relocation index

Last Updated: 24th May 2024 by Mike Harvey

Whether you’re reuniting with loved ones, changing jobs, or seeking a new adventure, relocating is an enriching experience. It allows you to dive into a new culture, diversify your horizons, and create lasting memories. However, there’s no denying that it can be daunting.

Reflecting on other expats’ experiences can inspire and reassure your choice when choosing a country to relocate to, and your international removals company, too. That’s why we’ve explored Google search data to discover which countries people worldwide are most interested in moving to. We’ve also looked at our internal data to find out which countries UK residents have relocated to the most.

Canada is the most desirable country to relocate to, with more than 1.5 million searches

We’ve delved into Google search data to determine which countries people want to relocate to. We’ve looked at searches for relocating, moving, and houses to reveal the most-searched countries to migrate to. 

The most searched countries to relocate to
  1. Canada – 1,526,780 relocation searches
    Taking the top spot as the most desired country to move to is Canada, with just over 1.5 million Google searches. Canada is a diverse country with a high quality of life. Along with publicly funded healthcare and education, Canada boasts stunning natural beauty. However, Canada has a high cost of living, especially if you are living in a city. 
  2. Australia – 1,360,700 relocation searches
    The land down under takes second place, with over 1.3 million searches for relocating to Australia. Safety, diversity, and scenery make Australia a special place to live, especially if you love being in the sun. Its standard of living makes it an excellent place for families, boasting high-quality education and healthcare. However, similarly to Canada, its benefits come at a price, with Australia being one of the most expensive places to live. 
  3. New Zealand – 1,159,700 relocation searches
    Australia’s neighbour, New Zealand, completes our top three with over one million relocation searches. Life in New Zealand is often described as relaxed and laid-back. It offers an outstanding work-life balance, especially compared to the UK, and an array of epic landscapes. However, New Zealand’s cost of living is high, and the weather tends to fluctuate greatly. 

Canada was the top country to migrate to in 74 countries, more than any other country in the world

Delving into Google search data again, we’ve revealed the most popular countries to relocate to based on how many times a country was searched for the most. 

The countries people want to relocate to the most
  1. Canada – 74 countries
    Coming out on top again is Canada, the most popular country to relocate to in 74 countries. India, Nigeria, and South Africa searched for a relocation to Canada the most, with 170,000, 39,000, and 30,000 searches, respectively.
  2. Australia – 20 countries
    Australia takes second place, being the most popular country to relocate to in 20 countries. The top three countries searching for relocation to the land down under were the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Ireland. The United Kingdom searched for relocations to Australia over 400,000 times, the second-highest total searches for an individual country. The UK’s searches also accounted for almost a third of all global searches for a move to Australia. 
  3. Spain – 17 countries
    Concluding our top three is Spain, the most popular country to relocate to in 17 countries. Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany were the most eager countries to move to Spain, searching 20,000, 19,800, and 18,900 times, respectively. Interestingly, all countries searching for a move to Spain are European. Spain’s main selling point is its weather, which is generally dry all year round, a perfect choice if you’re fed up with the rain. 

UK residents moved to the USA more than any other country

We’ve used internal data to reveal the countries we’ve helped UK residents move to the most between 2022 and 2024.

  1. United States of America
    Taking the top spot is the USA. The US is a diverse place full of opportunity, suitable for any stage of life, whether you’re still in education, looking to start a business, or simply craving your next adventure. Also, the lack of a language barrier for UK residents makes the transition more manageable.
  2. Australia
    Australia takes second place. Similarly to the US, the lack of a language barrier for UK residents makes Australia an incredibly attractive opportunity. Combined with the weather, a stark contrast to the UK, travelling across the world to find your new home is irresistible.
  3. United Arab Emirates
    The United Arab Emirates completes our top three. One of the most popular places in the UAE to relocate to is Dubai, its most populous country. Dubai has become a popular tourist destination in recent years. However, it offers expats several benefits. It’s sunny, modern, and safe, making it suitable for families. Dubai also has no income tax, making your take-home income considerably higher. 


We used Google Keyword Planner to find the number of relocation-related searches in each country. The search terms used were:

  • ‘Move to [COUNTRY]’
  • ‘Relocate to [COUNTRY]’
  • ‘Houses in [COUNTRY]’

We then combined the number of searches for each search term to get our total number of searches for relocating to each country. 

Using the same search terms, we then revealed the most popular country to relocate to in each country. We removed the host country from our search terms. We then totalled the number of times each country ranked as the most popular country to relocate to.

Finally, we used internal data to reveal the countries with the most relocations from the UK. Rankings are based on inquiries about relocations between 2022 and 2024. 

All data is accurate as of the 8th of May 2024.

About 1st Move International

1st Move International are a specialist international moving and shipping company offering packing, shipping and insurance for shipping household goods and personal effects overseas. We have a global reach covering over 80 countries and 6500 worldwide destinations. You can get an international removals quote here or find more information on our international moving services here.

Avatar for Mike Harvey
As the Managing Director of 1st Move International, Mike Harvey brings more than two decades of logistics expertise and three years of specialised experience in international relocations to his role. His comprehensive knowledge spans the intricacies of overseas shipping, secondary yet crucial areas such as visa application processes and immigration requirements, and the wider topic of moving abroad including topics such as comparative analyses of cost of living, healthcare and educational systems worldwide. This expertise allows 1st Move International to equip people with the information they need to not just move overseas, but to make informed decisions about whether, and where, to relocate.